What is Creative Wisdom Coaching?

sunrise4webMany people think of creativity as the ability to draw well, do a painting or write poetry or music. To be creative is “relating to or involving the imagination.” Who of us has not imagined something? Every time we make a decision we imagine which choice we want. Using our imagination, we tap into the creative mind. The creative mind is where we can make the changes needed for a better life. As Albert Einstein eloquently said “We can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Wisdom is “the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement. The quality of being wise”. There is also another kind of wisdom, the wisdom that each of us has within. Sometimes this wisdom can become clouded by past disappointments, constant criticism, or a belief that was implanted when we were young or unaware. I believe there comes a time when we must regain the wisdom that we were born with. Some may think life is random and they have no control. However, I have found with so many I have worked with, when they finally “know” what is right for them, there is an “AHA” moment. As if they’d forgotten something and now remember who they are. That is the beginning of self awareness.

I am looking to help you find the wisdom within you. This will help guide you through making tough and important decisions. When we can perceive what is best for us, it is easier to choose what to do next. Then the path forward begins to unfold.

Coaching is an amazing, collaborative, powerful and playful way of mapping out new paths to walk upon. It is an enlightening process meant to move you from struggling, confusion, indecision and the loss of joy, to an empowered life where you feel connected, fulfilled, happy, and joyful.

Together we will map out a life you can look forward to every day.


Typically, we will speak by phone or Skype once a week, or once every two weeks.


If you’d like to learn more, and experience what coaching is like please contact me for a free session by clicking the button below!



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