Thought Forms

To create a thought form, hold an image of what you desire in your mind’s eye, focus and think about it, “know” that it will manifest. With Love and gratitude, imagine setting it free in the universe. Try not to think about or doubt it or try to figure out how it will get done. Just like when you plant the seed of a giant tree, you wouldn’t keep poking around in the ground that surrounds it to see how it’s doing.

Envisioning or knowing something is done or real, when it’s not really there yet, can be challenging. There are techniques that can help with that. Is there a time you can remember that you felt alive and happy? Hold on to that thought or feeling and see what it brings up for you, what is it that makes you feel good? What are you looking for? Bring those thoughts to mind and see what can work for you. If you are having difficulty sensing a response from yourself,  I recommend a conversation with someone you trust. I am a firm believer in the power of the conversation to bring up deep issues. There is also tremendous power in journaling. Just write…and keep writing about whatever comes to mind. It may take a bit longer than a conversation, but it is private if that’s what you need. It is SO important that you understand yourself and be aware of your strengths and needs. It is up to each of us to be aware of what it is we want. Otherwise we get stuck with what others choose for us.

There are also many books on creating what you want. I can immediately think of Shakti Gawain’s book “Creative Visualization” and the many books on the Law of Atraction, as examples. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself. There is no competition in being you. Only you know who you truly are.

I do hope you’ll try one out for yourself. Let me know how it goes. Remember, this is based on Love and gratitude. These are powerful energies. Just as what you desire will come to you, should you wish this for ill will to another, it can only come back to you.